The University of Bedfordshire is an advanced, creative college with a legacy of top quality instruction returning over 100 years. We sustain our students to become instructed, employable and pioneering worldwide residents. We uphold our understudies on the whole parts of their life and urge them to impact the schooling and administrations we give. Study abilities advancement Vocation and occupation looking for direction Volunteer and work insight Wellbeing and prosperity administrations.

With grounds in Luton, Bedford, Milton Keynes and Aylesbury we invite understudies, all things considered, and foundations. In excess of 24,000 students from more than 100 nations Worldwide and multi-social learning networks Instruction accomplices in China, Middle East, Europe and South East Asia. Freedoms to concentrate abroad, for example, summer schools in China and Vietnam.

92% of Bedfordshire understudies who graduated a year ago have secured positions or are in additional investigation – the most noteworthy figure accomplished by the University (Destination of Leavers of Higher Education (DLHE)2013 review).

DLHE 2013 likewise shows the quantity of Bedfordshire understudies who left the University a year ago and are presently in graduate level work – proficient and administrative jobs – expanded, by more than 8% to 73.5%.” – University of Bedfordshire site.

The University of Bedfordshire is based in both Luton and Bedford, two large towns north of London. The University of Bedfordshire has two main campuses in the center of Luton and on the outskirts of Bedford, both with on-campus accommodation. The University also has two campuses for nursing and midwifery degrees at Butterfield Park on the outskirts of Luton, and at the Buckinghamshire campus at Oxford House in Aylesbury. A fifth site, Putteridge Bury, contains the postgraduate Business School.

Around 15,000 students from over 100 countries study at the University of Bedfordshire and, since its foundation in 2006, the University has invested over £130 million in building and redeveloping facilities. The sports facilities were used to host athletes in the London 2012 Olympic Games and 2015 Rugby World Cup.

Administrations for International Students

The University of Bedfordshire has a committed International Office that offers uphold on issues like visas, convenience, travel and occasions, direction and acceptance for new understudies. There is likewise a conventional Communication Skills course, which manages scholastic English, parts of British college culture and more broad examination abilities.

Each new worldwide understudy is likewise given a pal, a current global understudy who will help you sink into your new environmental factors.

131st in the Times University Guide 2021

131st in the Guardian University Guide 2021

Following the results of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework, the University of Bedfordshire has more than doubled its amount of world leading research since 2008, while the number of staff judged to be world-leading or internationally excellent in research has quadrupled.

There is a wide variety of accommodation in Luton, ranging from studio apartments to standard rooms in shared flats. Students can also enjoy free access to an on-site gym, 24-hour laundry and 24-hour security. In Bedford, students can choose from two different accommodation options at the Student Village or Liberty Park.

Luton is one of the UK’s largest towns, and also one of its most diverse. Over 140 different nationalities make up this vibrant, multicultural society. By contrast, Bedford is a riverside town on a beautiful stretch of the River Great Ouse, surrounded by parks and open spaces.

London is close and easy to reach from both the Luton and Bedford campuses, which are on the same train line into London’s St. Pancras station. The journey takes around 40 minutes from Bedford and 22 minutes from Luton on a fast train. London Luton airport is just 4km away from the main Luton campus.

The University of Bedfordshire is situated in both Luton and Bedford, two enormous towns north of London. The University of Bedfordshire has two principle grounds in the focal point of Luton and on the edges of Bedford, both with nearby convenience. The University likewise has two grounds for nursing and birthing assistance degrees at Butterfield Park on the edges of Luton, and at the Buckinghamshire grounds at Oxford House in Aylesbury. A fifth site, Putteridge Bury, contains the postgraduate Business School.

Around 15,000 understudies from more than 100 nations learn at the University of Bedfordshire and, since its establishment in 2006, the University has put over £130 million in building and redeveloping offices. The games offices were utilized to have competitors in the London 2012 Olympic Games and 2015 Rugby World Cup.